Susan Ackermann has been with Grace Preschool for over 25 years. She is a proud mother of 4 that has had the joy of watching each of her children graduate from Grace Preschool!
Susan holds a Bachelors Degree in Education. Before coming to Grace, she worked as a teacher for hearing impaired children.


The foundation of the philosophy of Grace Preschool is that each child is a unique child of God who grows, develops and learns at his/her own rate. Learning is enhanced when an appropriate and positive environment is provided.
The trained professional staff of Grace Preschool strives to maintain a caring and loving environment. Young children learn from activity, active manipulation and exploration of real objects, talking with other people and solving real problems. The staff realizes that play is learning for children. As a child putters with paints, sand, water and blocks in an activity center, without fear of failure, they are encouraged to develop self confidence, social skills and knowledge of how to learn which will be the best possible motivation for formal learning.
Our school aged children will be provided with age appropriate activities, homework assistance, Bible lessons, art, indoor and outdoor play. All of which contribute to each child’s need for spiritual, intellectual, social and physical growth.
The staff acknowledges the fact that parents are a child’s primary teacher and the greatest influence upon a child. The staff realizes the need to create and maintain open communication and cooperation with parents and guardians as our programs strive to be an outward extension of the home.

Mission Statement

Grace Preschool is an outreach ministry of Grace Presbyterian Church for the Panama City area. Our mission is to provide a safe, stimulating and loving Christian witness to both the families and more specifically, the children attending our school programs. Our age-appropriate programs which include inside and outside play, art, music, language and Bible stories are designed to encourage growth in the children socially, emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually.

School Address:
1415 Airport Road
Panama City, FL 32405
School Email address:
(850) 769-0446 (office)